How I Met Your Monster

"The Wicker Man" and the Mystery of the Hare-Raising Apples - Folk Around and Find Out Pt 1

Episode Summary

To kick off our “Folk Around and Find Out” triple feature, we’re trading burnt humans for a successful harvest in Robin Hardy’s sun-worshiping, hare-raising horror masterpiece, THE WICKER MAN, starring Edward Woodward, Christopher Lee, Diane Cilento, and Britt Ekland.

Episode Notes

To kick off our “Folk Around and Find Out” triple feature, we’re trading burnt humans for a successful harvest in Robin Hardy’s sun-worshiping, hare-raising horror masterpiece, THE WICKER MAN, starring Edward Woodward, Christopher Lee, Diane Cilento, and Britt Ekland. We visit Summerisle for May Day (Beltane) to celebrate the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.

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Episode Transcription

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:25:23


You're listening to How I Met Your Monster, a podcast that explores the introductions to your favorite movie, Monsters. My name is Zack. I'm Danny, and I'm Casey. And together we dive into the world of horror to find out how filmmakers have introduced us to our favorite monsters time and time again. This is how I met your mother.


Welcome to How I Met Your Monster. The show where we discuss the introductions to your favorite movie, Monsters. If you're not already subscribed to the show, find us on the podcast platforms. You know them all. You know where to find us. Type our name in. How I Met Your Monster. Click the subscribe button. Click the bell button.


00:01:20:16 - 00:01:43:01


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00:01:43:05 - 00:02:09:23


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00:02:35:23 - 00:03:23:19


Yeah, but today we are. Hopefully we're not always funny. Sometimes we think we are, but today we are starting a brand new triple feature on folk Horror. Danny What is the name of our triple feature presentation? Listeners We are entering the triple feature series of Poke Around. Find out I love a good. Is that a pun? Yeah, I love it right from the the Nordic the phrase phrase from the credo of the ancient family of snow Orphan North, which is fuck around and find out.


00:03:23:20 - 00:03:56:00


Right. Right. Got it. That's obviously the English translation. The the original Nordic translation is much more romantic and yeah, dramatic, if you will. Of course. Thank you for that history lesson. Those. But what monster are we meeting today? What movie did we watch? We watched The Wicker Man, the classic 1973 folk horror film, not the 2006 remake starring Nicolas Cage.


00:03:56:02 - 00:04:17:02


Unfortunately. I know we had some debate about which movie we wanted to cover. Yes. Okay. So first of all, really quickly, is this a first time watch for you guys? Yeah. Yeah. So what's funny is this is one of those movies that I have seen the beginning, the middle, the end, and some various parts in between, but only in like horror documentaries.


00:04:17:04 - 00:04:44:07


I've never seen any part series. I mean, I've seen the the Burning, like the Wicker Man, the thing like as a picture I have not seen I had never seen any singular part of this movie. yeah. I also was a big fan of that. How how did this get made episode on the remake of The Wicker Man, which details the whole plot, which I'm sure is a little different than this one, but, well, that's kind of what I was going to say.


00:04:44:09 - 00:04:58:23


Like, this is also a first time watch for me and I was most familiar with like there's like a scene with Christopher Lee down by the beach with like his yellow shirt in his hair. And he's like, Yeah, his hands raised up and like, you see that everywhere when you hear when they talk about The Wicker Man. Yeah.


00:04:59:00 - 00:05:24:03


So we watched it first time watch. I really enjoyed it. But then we immediately watched the trailer for the 26 Nicolas Cage remake just to see like because like, pops up on Amazon, like when you're done and it looks so I guess the word is convoluted, it looks so confusing and very like this is kind of a simple story.


00:05:24:03 - 00:05:46:19


It's like, yeah, here it's like that one location. It's simple, there's a thing and this one takes that and adds like a whole bunch of stuff. And it's very like it almost seems like more satanic and like more flashes and more ghost like ghost visions. And it's like, Yeah, looks weird. And I'm so glad that we watched this one instead of Aren't there bees in that one?


00:05:46:21 - 00:06:09:05


Yeah. And so I remember the bee thing. He's like, so, you know, it's a beta phase. And so I was waiting for a bee scene in this one because I thought that was part of it. But this one, it's the hairs. The hairs. Yeah, I it's interesting. I actually watched like the first half an hour the other day.


00:06:09:05 - 00:06:27:08


Why are you laughing? He was talking about the hairs, and then I was thinking about the bees that I was thinking like they open the coffin and there's just like a bumblebee. Like one little bumblebee sitting in the thing. Yeah, that's right. I watched. I watched the first half an hour of this the other day, and then I finished it this morning.


00:06:27:10 - 00:06:54:12


But the first half an hour I wasn't really thrilled about then. I was just okay then. The middle was this morning. In the middle was also find the end I really liked, obviously. Yeah, definitely a Casey ending. Yeah. But along with that, I started to understand more. Well, I started to think more about the. Well, you know, words are good to remember.


00:06:54:14 - 00:07:26:00


They can say it's early. I well it's not really it feels like it it was earlier I, I started to think more about what the message of the movie was, what I was feeling from it. And stuff like that. And I really started to like it more. Ah, the only issue was there was a lot. And maybe this is just because it was 1973, but a lot of things that could have been that they wanted to be really creepy weren't creepy at all.


00:07:26:00 - 00:07:45:06


They were just kind of funny, you know, like, like that woman when she was singing them, she was naked. I feel like they wanted it to be, like, sexy and mysterious, but it was really disorienting. I did feel a little disoriented and I was trying to watch because I agree. I just thought maybe it is a you know, just a the dated thing.


00:07:45:06 - 00:08:29:19


We just our senses have just shifted a little bit and evolved. But I definitely did get the disorientation of it, especially from Sergeant Howie, his perspective, you know, coming in as like the outsider and also as like this devout Christian. So then just the idea that, like, there's this woman outside being like, suggestive but also naked and. Yeah, yeah, but, but to your point, it's like when you've seen movies that go the extra mile to really I mean, a movie that's the most obvious that has like the most obvious correlation to this one and obviously was inspired by it was Midsommar.


00:08:29:19 - 00:08:51:03


So yeah yeah. Being put into this like pagan setting and with all these rituals and disorientation, that one does it in a way that is so visceral. You really feel it as audience. You don't even have to get into the shoes of the character. So yeah, yeah, yeah. You make a good point. I agree. And all of like all the masks and stuff.


00:08:51:03 - 00:09:11:00


I love masks. I think, you know, especially these old they were kind of like almost like vintage Halloween masks. Like those. Yeah. yeah, like that. But they didn't freak me out like I wanted to be. You know, the whole setting also was there was also a lot of light, and I feel like the whole movie was very, you know, as always, daylight.


00:09:11:01 - 00:09:33:22


It was always right, right outside. So that makes sense. And that's the same thing with Midsommar. Like, Yeah, but I guess that's the thing. It's like the esthetic is like and even the pacing in the style and I don't know if this is deliberate, but it almost feels like anti horror because yeah, if you're looking at it from the perspective of the Islanders, this is just a ritual.


00:09:33:22 - 00:10:01:01


It's they're not being horrific. Right. And I almost feel like you have to let yourself become truly like pure, like completely immersed and like, merge yourself into it in order to feel that sense of, like, it's so casual, the way people do weird things here that it's cause for concern and alarm. But I think we'll probably get into it later.


00:10:01:01 - 00:10:27:15


But what I got from the movie, I don't I don't know. Well, like, maybe I'll maybe this will kind of be along the same lines of what I think you're about to say. Kacey I don't know who the monster is in this movie. Exactly. Exactly. Because it's showing like, yes, this is normal to them. But then when you go into a church with fucking Catholics and Christians, you know, they do some shit that would be completely foreign to those people that they think would think was weird.


00:10:27:15 - 00:11:09:05


So this is a great segway, Zach, if you don't mind to kind of like I have like a little introduction for what folk horror really is. And I think, yeah, most of us explore this a little bit more because it is such a specific subgenre. So yeah, so with folk horror, this is basically what you're getting. It's going to be touching on cultural traditions, myths, primal fears, especially fear of the unknown, the battle between new and old isolation, the indifference of nature, the horrors of humanity that are buried in history.


00:11:09:07 - 00:11:28:19


And it folk, folk horror plays with the idea that no matter how much things and people may change on the surface, the scars of our past never heal in nature, never forgets. Okay, so I know that we're talking about The Wicker Man, but that whole thing just made me really excited to watch men. I'm just saying, you know.


00:11:29:05 - 00:11:47:17


there is a reference in this. There's a visual reference in this movie that I was like, Men pulled that one completely. really? I don't want to say I'm afraid to spoil it because I think it might be a spoiler. Yeah. We'll wait until we watch you to tell us what that was. Just remember. Yeah. Okay. I'm excited to see that movie.


00:11:47:17 - 00:12:07:23


I hear so many good things about that. it's. What were we just talk? What made me segue into that? We're so forgetful today. What's wrong with us? We were talking about, like, what? It. we were talking about religion and the. Yeah, well, yeah. And I said, I don't know who the monster is in this movie. Okay, So yeah, so I, I was thinking about that too.


00:12:08:01 - 00:12:31:08


And it's almost one of those movies where there's going to be so many gray areas, obviously, because it does come down to sort of picking a side. You can be like, I'm on Howie and the Christianity side, full stop, or I'm on the Islanders and I'm calling them pagans because he call them pagans. I don't know if that's offensive.


00:12:31:10 - 00:12:56:18


I mean, I think that's the the but I don't think pagans really sacrifice people. Yeah. Like I don't, you know, like it's, it's almost it's like, it's sort of like the chaos of nature, you know, it's and it's not even the monster. It's, it's almost it's like blind faith maybe is the monster in this. I mean, religion. Yeah, it's is even fake by saying like, yeah, maybe this will help you guys, maybe it won't.


00:12:56:23 - 00:13:18:20


If it doesn't, then you're just going to do it this again. But if it does, it could have been a coincidence. And then you never. There's no concrete. So blind faith is just this. It creates monsters almost will because it's more of a reactionary thing. Sergeant Howie, which, by the way, I thought for like the first half of the movie that his name was Sergeant Howdy.


00:13:18:22 - 00:13:39:00


I thought that was a little bit Howard, but he's very hypocritical. Yeah, because he's he's, he's talking to these guys, saying, like, what if this doesn't happen? What if you're wrong? What if you're putting all your faith in this? And then he does. I mean, that's his religion, too. He's doing the whole thing. He's putting his whole faith in God.


00:13:39:00 - 00:14:00:12


Like, what if that's wrong? And so I don't know. God's not going to say just the hypocrisy of it. Yeah. And I think that's the thing is with folk horror, maybe if there are these gods, maybe they do care enough if they're getting sacrifices. But the idea is, is nature doesn't care, right? Nature will continue to go on without us.


00:14:00:14 - 00:14:19:15


What if we were to die? It would be fine. It might even thrive. You know, you could argue that. Yeah, we are hurting nature. And that's okay. I said. I saw a funny thing George Carlin said back, I don't know, in the early nineties or something. He was talking about global warming, climate change, way back then, and he was like, you know, we're killing the planet.


00:14:19:15 - 00:14:46:11


He's like, We are not killing the planet. We are killing ourselves. For the planet is going to be fine. We it's the humans that are going to die off. So I was like, Yeah, exactly. And that also it's so funny because that really plays into folk horror is this we sort of elevate ourselves up as, if we do these things, then we will be rewarded.


00:14:46:13 - 00:15:10:08


And it's like maybe because it's the whole point of nature is randomness, and it could be randomness for the good. It could be randomness for like the most foul thing, and you just have to accept it. And in this movie, they constantly bring up the differences between is it resurrection and what's the word when you return? Reincarnation. Reincarnation?


00:15:10:23 - 00:15:32:00


Yeah, thank you. And it's like, it's kind of like the same basic principles. It's just a different way of getting there. So they're kind of like fighting the same argument because at the end of the day, like everyone's beliefs kind of come back to the same thing. It's just blind faith in something that may be good and maybe bad, but there's no way to prove it in the end.


00:15:32:00 - 00:15:54:16


At the end of the day, you're really only going to hurt yourself if you go too hard into it because you're going to like, cripple yourself internally, like just as a human in your soul. You're basically selling your soul. And that's what they're doing. They're selling their souls to these beliefs and to no one's real benefit ultimately. Yeah, he says.


00:15:54:18 - 00:16:19:03


At the end, he says, like it's I who will live again, not your damned apples. Right. So that's what you were saying, how they're all thinking kind of the same thing. Just so I'm an atheist, you know? Sure. Yeah. Isn't that I used to be a Christian until some stuff happened when I was like 16, and I'm like, that really isn't for me.


00:16:19:05 - 00:16:39:03


So. And I have I do. I don't, like, dislike religious people, you know what I mean? Yeah, sure. I, I have some people that I'm still very close to that were my youth group leaders and stuff like that. And they're the least judgmental people I've ever met in my life. But most a lot of religious people aren't.


00:16:39:05 - 00:17:01:17


Yeah. my God. Yeah, right. So, you know, like we said earlier, everybody is it's just so crazy to me that religious people, out of all of the religions that basically are you're all worshiping the same God, just calling him something else and doing some things a little bit differently. But, you know, they all kidding themselves against each other.


00:17:01:17 - 00:17:21:06


And then for people to think that like, you're smarter than everybody else. Yeah. And that what you believe is better than everybody else. And being an atheist, I wish I have tried to force myself to believe in something at this point. Like not now, I'm okay with it now. But at one point I was like, It would be so comforting to think that there was a place that I'm going when I die.


00:17:21:07 - 00:17:53:14


Yeah, You know, I can't force myself to do it. And it's just I don't know. It's of my faith that someone will hold the door open for you, you know, And it. But it's all blind faith. Yeah. Because there's not proof of any. Right. So any, every religion, anything that anybody believes is blind faith. Yeah. I come at this from I'm more of a Catholic turned agnostic where I'm not as against the idea that there could be something I am just sitting on the in between.


00:17:53:14 - 00:18:12:12


Like if it is great, if it's not right, so be it, you know? Right. And I think that's the the thing that turns me off from it. And if we want to kind of like broaden the term of what religion is to just you know, there's a reason why cults, you know, a religion and cult sometimes are compared.


00:18:12:14 - 00:18:33:20


It's not to say that every religion is a cult. I'm not going to I don't know enough to start that conversation. But it's the idea of convincing someone of something bigger than themselves to devote themselves to which, in my opinion, just personally seems a little cuckoo bananas because it's like, yeah, anyone can be intimidating enough to do anything.


00:18:33:20 - 00:18:57:13


And if you have no proof, what are you selling? That said, I think it can be helpful for people like, for example, the people on the island. In this movie. It is helpful to believe that if they follow these practices and traditions that maybe this higher power will help them, you know, add some fertilizer to the fucking work they're already doing.


00:18:57:13 - 00:19:21:10


It's just like a little bit of a leg up. The problem is, and this movie kind of paints a great, very clear and straightforward picture of how it can go too far, you know? And this can be the case for anything. I mean, look at Christianity. It literally went too far. If you believe in the whole story of Jesus Christ, they fucking cross like it's literally built on sacrifice.


00:19:21:10 - 00:19:51:16


Everything is about you have to lose in order to be happy and it's you. Then you start to go deep down into how religion was used as a form of control between like the classes for the higher you know, there's a reason why the church in the Pope was like the highest man on the totem pole, you know, and was maybe the wealthiest because they would use it to tell people who maybe weren't as educated to say, Yeah, believe in this and you'll be good.


00:19:51:16 - 00:20:19:16


Just give us some money and you're great. Because first of all, they're not going to fight it. They can't and it's just easier. And then it becomes compelling and comforting. So it becomes this vicious cycle that it's hard to view something that can potentially be pure and might actually be good for people with. Like I guess what I'm saying is it's hard to put a lot of stock and value into something that can just as easily be used for bad as it can be for good.


00:20:19:18 - 00:20:35:03


Yeah, right. And there's but that comes with anything in general. There's bad people like to think about. Police officers are supposed to be good. They're supposed to be total people. There's really great police officers and then there's really terrible police officers. And it's the same with it. Not even not just religion, just people in general, you know what I mean?


00:20:35:05 - 00:20:57:13


There's always bad and there's always good everywhere in every aspect of everything. I mean, this movie literally talks about it brings up apples. It's like bad apples. You know, there's just bad apples sometimes. And. Well, I'm curious and we'll get into this as we talk the movie. But so he said that this season was like the first time they didn't have a crop of apples.


00:20:57:15 - 00:21:24:14


Yeah. Or whatever since his grandfather settled on the island, like. So what happened? Like, why did the apples not grow? I that's a good question. You know what I mean. It could just, again, it could just be the randomness of nature. It's like if he did it, you know, and it's like nature has this hold on us to say, if you believe this, then you better do.


00:21:24:16 - 00:21:48:11


You better go as far as you think is you're willing to go in order to satisfy this need. You know, you want what are you going to do to get it? You know, And it shows how humans are so simple that like when we're scared and we're pushed against a wall, we're willing to maybe do whatever it takes to go back to what we're comfortable with, you know?


00:21:48:14 - 00:22:12:11


Yeah, something as simple as an apple. It's like, Well, well, we'll burn someone alive because we need, like, God forbid, don't have these things that are kind of representative of, like, this cozy lifestyle we've set up for ourselves. Cozy? Yeah, it's real cozy. Yeah. It's all just. I don't know, it's. It's all just surface level, like. Yeah, Yeah.


00:22:12:13 - 00:22:38:03


Well, let's get into. Let's get into the movie. Let's. Let's meet our monster. Whatever monster that may be. We might figure it out along the way, or we won't figure it out because it's a very fine face. Very. You want to show me a note to myself? What is your name? Danny. And I said, I thought, this is perfect, because it also kind of physically feels like it's in the same vein.


00:22:38:05 - 00:23:01:19


But I said folk horror is the essential oils of horror. It's all natural. It might help you, but it will likely give you more problems in the end, if that's all you rely on. You know, basically it's all about balance, and a lot of folk horror removes the balance, you know, okay, because we try a little too hard and we put a little bit too much into it.


00:23:01:19 - 00:23:33:21


And the risk we increase the risk factor, and that is folklore. All right, I'm into it. I like folklore too. It's very folky. It's I don't know. Yeah. Like the music that opens this movie. Yeah, That was the very thing I think that kind of took me out. The music is cool, right? It's cool. Scottish fun music shot there.


00:23:33:23 - 00:24:04:01


Scott It's fun, though. One song that I kept saying, like the Corn and the Barley. Yeah, something like that. I can get down in a Scottish pub. It's fun music, but this song, this is like if I, if I were to write you a folk songs like The Barley in the Car, then the actual industrial and the Corn and the Fields, and this is a musical at one point like, for the first late like 20 minutes ago there was like four songs.


00:24:04:01 - 00:24:30:15


And then at the start of one song, when they're dancing around the pole, I was like, okay, another song is like 3 minutes in. I'm like singing along. I'm like digging to it. It's like this Don't stop. Yeah, okay, well, let's get into the movie. Danny, before we jump in, please, If you would be so kind, read us the synopsis of The Wicker Man from 1973.


00:24:30:15 - 00:25:07:06


Scooch over. The synopsis is a Puritan police song. And. No, but I'm just confused. Who's. Pick this up? Zack. Zack. So it's my. This is my episode. So thank you. I'm sorry for interrupting. Let's let me read the synopsis of what the Wicker Man is all about. So this is via IMDB, a Puritan police silent, A Puritan Police sergeant.


00:25:07:11 - 00:25:57:13


Sergeant Howdy. No appearance in Police Sergeant arrives in a Scottish island village in search of a missing girl with a pagan locals claim never existed. who's but? Okay, let's head to Summer Isle and meet the monster of the Wicker Man. Wicker Man and this opening felt like I was watching an episode of MASH. my gosh. You are so right, Rory.


00:25:57:14 - 00:26:29:11


You did it. Yeah, you do quite well. Yeah, No, but. But we got the Irish folk song that starts us off. It's very like a Scottish fun music. Like you say, catchy, but I love Irish folk music, Scottish phrasing. But I got the feeling like I love the feeling of a movie like this where we as the audience know that this character is in for some shit when he gets to wherever he's going.


00:26:29:17 - 00:26:48:12


But they're just like taking a journey to wherever the movie's going to take place. And there's the beautiful landscapes and the music and it just like it gives you this nice. It's not just dread. Yeah, well, you know, Danny said, like a cozy feeling. Yeah, It's like you're not. It's not just full of dread. You're not surrounded by like, you know.


00:26:48:12 - 00:27:08:07


Right. It's actually intriguing because, yeah, you know, shit's going to go down, you know, this character is fucked, but it's cozy at the same time. So good. And it's pretty and, and it's like you're watching MASH. Exactly. But yeah, so that was a great way to start off this. And it's very like very seventies, you know it's very of the time.


00:27:08:07 - 00:27:39:01


Yeah. Esthetically I love the look and feel of this movie Yeah. So much Yeah I don't know what it is. I mean I know what it is like in cinema. I know what it's in the clothing and the Senate and it just, it is so comfy. Sandra Diggy spend a day. I kept thinking of that. Quit playing with your crystal.


00:27:39:01 - 00:27:56:12


Really? my God. But I do love how the movie does. Just kind of. It just gets right to it. Even though we do have this nice, kind of relaxing kind of introduction with the opening credits, you kind of just like right from the get he lands the plane and he's calling out and he's like, someone called me about a missing person.


00:27:56:15 - 00:28:22:03


Like, I'm here. And right away they're like, I don't know, you're Darren. Yeah. So, like, there's no real it does feel like it has a slow burn, but it actually does get right into it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The investigation starts right away. Yeah, you're, yeah. Which is also a testament to our main character who is all business like even when he's at the bar later and they're playing music, he's like, shut the fuck up.


00:28:22:04 - 00:28:54:11


And you know what? I want my bad. You all need to stop it, you know? And all work and no play. Me makes Jack sure does to how he makes sound, how we. Sergeant Dulce Dale. Sergeant Victoria Burn Victim. Yeah, but there's those guys on the on the dock there. They're like, he's like, send the dinghy. They're like, Fuck you, like, know me?


00:28:54:13 - 00:29:22:14


You don't want to hear it. Which is funny because they do, right? Yeah, but it plays into kind of the whole theme there. They're counting on him to be so gung ho about getting there because then that kind of they need a martyr. They need him to be the best possible sacrifice. So him, if he came in willy nilly and it was and he was or I'm sorry it didn't come in willy nilly, he was like, okay, if you're not going to, I'm back.


00:29:22:14 - 00:29:40:22


Yeah. And then they would have been shot out of luck because he wouldn't have really want to be there doing the right thing. Yeah, yeah, I really like that. But like they should have said, like, yeah, we know her. If she's missing, we can't find her. Like, we don't know what happened to her and he'd still stay out of.


00:29:40:22 - 00:30:01:13


They need him to be like, so such a good person, quote unquote good person that he would like stop yelling. He'd still needed to fight through that. Right. And assumed because remember, he had found her grave. So they were like, yeah, she's dead. But he wasn't just okay with her because it yeah, at first it's Zach. I don't think it would be enough.


00:30:01:13 - 00:30:24:18


There's still enough. Like down. Yeah, like there's Earth. There's still even enough chance that like these guys maybe don't know the person. Yeah. So it's enough to be like, all right, well this, the seeds of doubt are planted, but I'm going to still dig into it. And then I think so quickly. So it's like, these people say they don't know her, but here she is, here's her grave, here's her her name in the register.


00:30:24:18 - 00:30:56:20


So, like, now I know something's up. Now I'm going to. Yeah, deep, deep into it. Yeah. He choked her out and found out, you know, sorts. So she goes to the green man in, right? Yeah. And so the green man is actually has something to do with the pagan holiday itself. So there was things called May Day parades, which isn't that like a My Chemical Romance something first of all.


00:30:56:20 - 00:31:23:05


No, that's the Black Parade. Mayday Parade is a band. made it sound very like emo. Yeah, It's also a distress call. Mayday, mayday, mayday. Yeah, but like a mayday. So Dylan and person in double sevens. what is it? A view to a kill? His name is Mayday. Her name is mate. my gosh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so sexist.


00:31:23:05 - 00:31:49:22


I'm sorry. Yeah, Okay. Yeah. Villains can't be women in a franchise as chauvinist. Yes. Civil servant. How dare you say it was a man? Is that brief joke? Yeah. nice. I couldn't remember her name. Okay, okay. I've seen pictures of her in that role. She's a bad ass. Best part of the movie, I would say, but like a mayday parade, it would involve costumed characters running around.


00:31:49:22 - 00:32:15:21


And there was a male queen and the Green man, the May queen symbolize the goddess of spring, where the green man represented the god of the forest. And so he goes to the green man in which is way too bright, by the way. It's like, I know the movie's very bright. It's like, you know, there's a lot of sunlight and whatnot, but like inside that, in a pub, in that pub, Scottish pub, Yeah.


00:32:15:21 - 00:32:36:17


Should have. But it's darker and this is a bit more wood. Yes. Although there was a lot of wood because all those old men were singing that boner song about the landlord's daughter and that's the wood and that was fucking creepy. So it's really funny. Poppins did, because before they started singing that song, my note is, What's up, Willow?


00:32:36:19 - 00:33:02:02


So, Willow, I would have been singing the voting song to just like it's funny because I Straightness of the bar is a testament maybe to their and this is kind of like a jokes like Stretch is a testament to like their insecurities, but like the whole movie is bright. Like, God forbid things get a little like we run out of apples or like the sun sets, they fucking freak out.


00:33:02:04 - 00:33:29:10


I love someone who like to say that was a joke because it's like, this is so stupid as I was saying it. But yeah. So he's introduced to the landlord's daughter Willow, who's going to like, show him to his room and get him food or whatever. And she's very seductive, Right. As we'll see in a little bit. She has her little seductive dance and she does her little Irish jig naked in front of the door while he's sleeping.


00:33:29:12 - 00:33:53:04


And was it a spell like was there a sense of like because he almost did seem a little enchanted by it. I think he's fucking he's just like fighting his horniness. Right. And I know, but like, there was temptation, but he felt like he was, like, drawn like. Yeah, you know? Well, in a supernatural way, she was, like, singing that song and, like, knock it on the wall, like, in there, like a beat.


00:33:53:04 - 00:34:15:10


And they were, like, playing the music downstairs, and there might have been something there to like, maybe there was, like, more of a trance. Yeah. To it. I mean, it was. Yeah. They didn't want him to sleep with her right. And that's what, like later when I find out that, you know, that was one of the reasons why he needed to be there is because he was a virgin and, well, they needed him to fight the urge, right?


00:34:15:11 - 00:34:49:04


If he was willing to. It's almost like they're giving him straight to God. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That makes sense. Dang. So afterwards, they're all like, he didn't like, fuck. Yeah, he didn't even. Well, I was here doing this is like a good fight. Wow. Whose idea is this, Bob? Good job. Great jobs, great job. He doesn't even go here.


00:34:49:06 - 00:35:14:11


But before that, he actually he, like, he leaves the inn and he goes outside and he's walking around and there's like, this massive orgy in the field. Yeah, an orgy. But also, like, for watering graves, this woman was. Yeah. Weeping while dry humping a tombstone. I don't know. And hey, we don't need Dave. We don't, We don't. But again, it wasn't like that creepy, weird, you know?


00:35:14:11 - 00:35:31:15


It was just silly, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I wonder what that test was. If all of these are tests. I mean, what do you mean? A bunch of naked people? I mean. Well, I think that was like. I think that was like the setup to the test, because that was before she sings her song and does her little dance.


00:35:31:16 - 00:35:58:16


And he must have been like seeing all these people. And like, that horniness started. You could be doing this. Yeah. Let's get you get all chubby in the pan. Everybody on this and this. He was so horny. Like, I don't I don't know if I've ever gotten to that point where I'm like, the wedding. he's also a virgin.


00:35:59:03 - 00:36:22:22


yeah. Yeah, that's true. Old as fuck. Yeah. Yeah. He's definitely like a 40 year old virgin type. He's. Yeah, It's so. So now he's not only really excited, but he's also even more terrified by the notion of sex. So it's this. So he's been married for a long time. Yeah. So he's. I don't. I understand why he slept.


00:36:23:00 - 00:37:05:12


It's like I just got to make it one more day. I was like, Why are they burning him? He's got this, like, pent up sea that he could fertilize house. I'll give you some apples. I leave them out because that's the end of the just coming committed to making scary movie or anything like you like to like stick so to the ceiling yes it becomes he blasts all the pagan out of the way that he runs away It's like it's like in you like you drive it and you like look into a field and there's like those irrigation.


00:37:05:14 - 00:37:31:20


We're talking about sprinklers. Yeah, but they like. But they're like long and they're on wheels, you know, and they like, cover a whole bunch of crops all at once. But since he's had a bicycle riding test, it's a spring. Yeah, that's his big escape plan. Well. my God. But he's okay. So he survives the night. He doesn't.


00:37:31:22 - 00:37:51:13


He doesn't explode. And the next morning, Willow was like, Hey, I was waiting for you. Like, what were you doing? And then she gives him another little thing to, like, make sure that he's a good person or whatever. She's like, You won't want to be here on May Day. So, like, you might want to get out of it because you're not going to want to be here, which is obvious.


00:37:51:13 - 00:38:16:18


Like, I'm going to want to be here a minute. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Another little thing to make him stay. So when he starts accepting the temptation, he is tempted, which goes against like, that's like one of the big, like, Christian Catholic sort of. I wouldn't argue. I wouldn't say it's a deadly sin, but yeah, it's sort of the well in Christianity, all this.


00:38:16:20 - 00:38:42:15


Yeah, but like, even, like at night when he's like praying and he's hearing the music and like it keeps cutting to him like a, like a in his head or like a flashback of him getting communion and then see him at the body and blood of Jesus. And I just realize that the whole thing with the apple and like Adam and Eve being tempted, yeah, I well, and I just realized that now when you just said it, really, you knew it.


00:38:42:17 - 00:39:09:18


Sorry that I mentioned it yet, but, you know. Dang. Okay. Yeah. The temptation, the apple. But it's funny that there's no apple, so it's like he's being tempted, but also he's being denied the temptation. Like there's something to unpack there where he like he's like going to search for that. And then he sees like this, this tomb or something that has like a bunch of broken apple boxes on it.


00:39:09:20 - 00:39:36:01


And he like, slams them off the thing and he's like, Where's the apple? There's like one apple on the island that he needs to find it. So search that scene when he's opening the grave to find bro. And he's like, does that one second? Or he's like, maybe it is an now, maybe this is the app. And he's like, this whole thing would be a great and yes, game like Zelda.


00:39:36:14 - 00:40:01:17


yeah, The Wicker Man, where he's like going around to get the colored apple to power up, but he sees the next he's going around the town and he sees that the maypole and all the boys are. Yes. Yeah. The the penis for the people. And is that before or after the classroom scene? That is before because in the classroom she tells him what the piece was.


00:40:01:17 - 00:40:20:02


He tells the kids what the maypole represents. Yeah. And then he's like, Wait a second, you can't teach kids that. Yeah, don't you? But that song that that dude is singing, he's like some about like a bird on a limb and so on a tree and and the trees and the corn in the corn's in your mouth. Isn't that about planting a seed?


00:40:20:04 - 00:40:49:06


Well, yeah, because then he's like, And then there's a man and a woman and there's a man on the woman and there's a seed on the. Dana. But anyway, but, but yeah. And it keeps getting faster and like Danny, like you said, like I kept, I started singing don't you know, you can put in the word stick through the tree and a find leaves me alone.


00:40:49:07 - 00:41:18:01


That tree. There was something I don't know that I don't know that branch. There wasn't an embedded. There was an egg. And in that egg there was a bird. From that bird. A feather came out of that feather. it's funny. When you watch movies, we are like, I was that character. I would get out of there, you know, you had to put yourself in that perspective.


00:41:18:01 - 00:41:40:13


But then in this case, we're all like, suckered in party disorienting. We're like singer like that that, that, that, that that or like that's like no I would step aside boys give me one of those robes like if you got them for let's see this is what I noticed when when he does go into that classroom he's wearing his his uniform the whole time.


00:41:41:07 - 00:41:58:18


He loves to tell people that he's a police officer. my God. He gets noticed. He gets, like, super proud. yeah. It's like. Which is funny because Pride is another thing that's frowned upon. So there's temptation. Pride is very proud. He's very proud. Yeah, well, he thinks he can come in, and that's kind of like the man.


00:41:58:18 - 00:42:19:19


Like, okay, with the whole thing with, like, Christianity and, you know, you know, some people say it's like a cult and other stuff. Like he comes in and being like, I'm a police officer. Yeah, I can do like, what I'm doing here is what needs to be done. I'm right. Yeah. You will listen to me, right? And he's kind of like coming into their territory and being like, you know, this is the way it is.


00:42:19:21 - 00:42:39:13


And, you know, you kind of get that where some people are like, you know, it's taking over. Yeah. The government and everything where it's like, this is God's way, this is the way it is. And yeah, yeah, he's doing it as a police officer and as a Christian. Yeah. Yeah. It's not this, like, personal journey that he's on or he's not like, he's like, no, like you said, like, it's official.


00:42:39:14 - 00:43:01:01


Like, this is all, like, one in the same. Yeah, right, right, yeah, yeah. He goes into the classroom and they, that girl that has the beetle in the desk. Yeah. First of all, he's the beetle second. shit. Why does he need to watch this movie again? Why Does that ten year old girl look like she's 40?


00:43:01:03 - 00:43:25:03


She didn't look very old. Yes. Have a cigaret just discernible casting like. shit, we need another student in your mouth. Just read the script supervisor Here, put this wig on. I was going to say put off the lights and put her in an place. It goes just the the actor who plays Sergeant Howie didn't have a lot of people.


00:43:25:07 - 00:43:59:23


So he's like really like hamming it up to put into the. But he's like he's like he's his says yeah that's good. good. But yeah so okay earlier back when he was in the Green Man in and they're singing the boner song he sees that the one picture of that year's crop winner or whatever the fuck yeah.


00:44:00:05 - 00:44:19:13


Is missing And then we see the empty desk and he's like, okay, he's starting to put the things together. And he's like, Whose desk is that? Give me that register. And she's like, No, he's like, I'm a police officer. You're going to do what I said, Yep. And there it is right in there. Rowan Morrison And you're like, shit, You know?


00:44:19:15 - 00:44:44:12


So now the seeds of doubt are just now it's a conspiracy. but we did skip over one little part when he goes to see Mrs. Morrison. Yeah. And he meets Myrtle, who's like, yeah, I know Rowan. She's a hair. She's running around the fucking field. She's great. And you're like, Wait a second, okay with him? Honestly, the reason that I wanted to mention that was because I loved their little candy people.


00:44:44:14 - 00:45:04:12


Little cake. Things look like people, right? It's been that long, Ruby. yes. And then, like, later, they're, like, cutting it. Cutting it, like cutting slices. Yeah. I remember. That's okay. Yeah. Little. And they even make like, like later in the movie you'll see they make like, the bread man. There's like, the Wicker Man and the bread man he, like, gets put in an oven.


00:45:04:12 - 00:45:28:14


Just something. A loaf of bread. It looks like a person. I'm hungry. So he talks to the 40 year old girl student and then the teacher, which for a while I thought was Willow. They looked very similar. Well, yeah, they're fucking you know, what's. What's the word? Maybe they're incestuous. No, they're just. what's that word for white people?


00:45:28:16 - 00:46:07:10


They're just Anglo-Saxon. Basic. yeah, pretty much basic Anglos. But she takes him outside and they talk and she's like, Yeah, Rowan Israel, but she's dead. She has returned to the earth. She is one with nature now. And then you start the whole thing about like reincarnation and resurrection and all this stuff. Yeah, and they do you. We were kind of joking around about the boner talk, but when they talk about the phallic symbols and how it's like really important for their religion, she really, like, makes it a point that it's supposed to reflect like the generative force of nature, right?


00:46:07:15 - 00:46:41:04


So we're kind of like telling him everything he needs to know about, like where they're coming from. Yeah, because their whole, like, reason for him being there is for that. So it's like, there it is. There's our thesis there stroking. Nature's dick. Yeah. To try and get props. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's such a great point. Yeah. I look at it and now that he knows that she's dead, he goes on a search for her grave and he finds it and there's a little gift on top of it.


00:46:41:06 - 00:47:01:20


There's a little tree planted on her, on her grave. And guys, what is hanging trivia. What is the gift hanging from dead ruins Little tree there in biblical cause. It sure is. A navel. A navel or the navel string? Is that what you call that? that's right. Yes. I was just wondering. I was like, I know they didn't say umbilical cord.


00:47:01:20 - 00:47:25:19


Why do I have a mythical quarter now for anyone who is listening to this and hasn't seen it, it's like long stringy beef jerky. Yeah, but what's funny to me is that that couldn't have been her umbilical cord. No, because maybe it was because was so much shriveled. Right. Dried up. They preserved so much in this movie and there's such an emphasis on it.


00:47:26:00 - 00:47:52:22


Yeah. Like they show on the dried foreskin, which is. Well, yeah. Fucking what would a fuckin general store be without a large jar of foreskin? Listen, you guys know that. I love that Triforce. I mean, every little shit up there. He had that little tin faced kitten and the feet at the producers. Come on, guys. Come on. Yeah.


00:47:53:01 - 00:48:15:06


So my house looks like you have a job for. I wish I had a jar of foreskins. The good for your. It's interesting. They were like again joking about it but isn't circumcision not like very big in Europe. It's a very, I don't know, like yeah, just from like the basic knowledge that I have of it is. Yeah.


00:48:15:06 - 00:48:48:12


I think it's like, well it's like a Jewish thing. It is a Jewish, like British boy's got the uncut deer, which is interesting when you think about the whole religion thing in this Jew. Yeah. Because you know, not only Jewish people do it, but it makes you wonder, like if that has some kind of tie to them being religious because that isn't as common within like, you know, I don't again, I'm coming out of this just from like my very rudimentary knowledge of, of circumcised circumcision in Europe and the fact that this is a very British movie.


00:48:48:13 - 00:49:25:23


You know, in Samoa they do circumcision when you like, hit puberty. yeah. Know it's funny And then they make you doesn't matter, you know. Yeah. my God. I'm like, I don't know how I feel about circumcision personally. Like, it's weird. I'm like, Why did someone snip? It's weird. Like, it's it's like, obviously, like now if I look at, like, an uncircumcised penis, there's just, like, it's different than what I, I personally know, but then I'm like, Wait a minute, that's ridiculous.


00:49:25:23 - 00:49:52:04


Like, well, exactly. And it's just like, that's what it is. Like, why did they do that to. It's weird because there's a real, like body autonomy and stuff like that, but people don't think a lot about how circumcision is so weird. Like you're taking a baby in your comfortable can take off. Like, yeah, and I've heard, you know, like, you know, they say that it's there are some health benefits so you just have to clean yourself to take a big shower.


00:49:52:06 - 00:50:16:00


Exactly. So weird because it also serves like so many purposes. I don't know. It's just it does create this, like, weird otherness to it. And insecurities around it. So if you do, you know what I mean? Like, it's just I don't know. It's a weird we're talking a lot about, like, tradition and religion. And I'm not trying to say like, this is not me stepping on people's religious beliefs.


00:50:16:00 - 00:50:46:10


Like if that's part of your culture and religion, like by all means, like two thumbs up. I just do think it's it's interesting how we kind of get sucked into these these stories. You know, we just we get sucked into these we get sucked into these traditions and these norms without questioning it. Yeah, that's kind of the principle of this movie.


00:50:46:10 - 00:51:08:02


Yeah. You know, for both sides, you know, we were saying, like, who's the monster here? But but it's true. It's just one of those things. It's, it's, it's the fact that you don't really think about such a strange and specific thing that we do to ourselves physically. Yeah. Lends so much weight to literally what this movie is trying to say.


00:51:08:02 - 00:51:30:15


It's true. Yeah. You know, I'm glad that we got us there. And of course, kids really got us really sidetracked this. yeah, it just it's scary because when you put it in that perspective, though, that's like I. Can I get it? You always say, like, how can people get suckered into this stuff? There it is. It just becomes the norm.


00:51:30:15 - 00:51:55:12


And when you're just when something is repeated in such a normal fashion, like, of course, you're not going to question it right with you. Yeah, we're okay. Hot dog talk with the boys stuck with them. This has been hot dog talk with the boys. Do you like your sausage cut or with natural casing? Natural taste. Sarge, this island is like a crispy.


00:51:55:14 - 00:52:28:08


Crispy? yeah. All right. I wonder, like, if they like it. Part of the festival after, like, burns down so far that they start roasting hot dogs, and mostly they eat. There's roasted animals in there. yeah, Yeah, yeah. It's somewhere like, takes a fork and they're like, is that like, is this weird or a real serious. one thing, one little, little tidbit that is specific to summer.


00:52:28:10 - 00:52:50:21


I would say, is the little frog that they put in Myrtle's mouth to take her sore, throw it away. So. is that why they're doing it? Yeah. Yeah. She like okay, puts it in her mouth and she hole in her throat. So now they're putting it to their mouths. She's like, okay, spit it out. She's like, they're, he's, he's like, Now you're sore throat is going to be gone basically.


00:52:50:21 - 00:53:12:21


And I was going to say, I know. And like Egyptian stuff that frogs represent like rebirth. And I, I didn't assume necessarily that, you know, they had the same thoughts because the Egyptian and summer I'll but I did I didn't realize this virtual throat yeah because then she like puts it back in the thing and she's like now he's croaking now it's now he's got the croak and then the frogs like, like, Yeah.


00:53:12:21 - 00:53:33:10


Because you just put it in my mouth. He's not fucking, he's like, so the fuck out. I don't know if you've ever held like a toad or a frog like that. They usually pee. And so she probably put it in her mouth. The fucking peed. so maybe there's was like nutrients and that until the it's like you don't have a sore throat but you have rabies now.


00:53:33:12 - 00:54:00:23


Yeah. You know, rabid toad. I don't think you have to get rabies only mammal skin yet So on his way to so, Sergeant Howdy. I'm going to call him that. Sergeant Harry leaves the foreskin dealer, and he's going on his way. He's going on his way to meet Lord Sommer Isle. And on his way he sees this bonfire ritual with naked ladies.


00:54:00:23 - 00:54:26:12


And they're doing a dance and doing all the Babygro dance. The baby dance? Yeah. And so part of that. Let's see, I have a thing about bonfires here. It's a bonfire, so I. Can I tell you something really quick that I think I think is really funny? So when I was in high school, I went to Northwestern off and go to Albion, Pennsylvania, and every year.


00:54:26:12 - 00:54:47:01


And this is just absurd to me, thinking about it now, every year we would have bonfires outside of the school for Homecoming week, but it would be like, know I'm talking like seniors and juniors would each have their own bonfire and we would collect things. And when I say bonfire, I mean we would have pallets stacked. yeah.


00:54:47:01 - 00:55:10:09


30 feet high. Yeah. And huge and set them on fire in front of the school. Yeah. For homecoming shows were like fucking Nazis. I'm like, Gosh, how did this happen? Like what? Yeah, Why are we doing this? Like, I vaguely remember people, like, collecting, like, furniture and stuff to do those. It was crazy. It's such a weird thing to think of.


00:55:10:09 - 00:55:47:06


I doubt they do it anymore, but yeah, like, holy shit, man 2007 had maybe it was a pagan. Pagan. Or maybe, you know, I don't know. In Pennsylvania, all this, all those wonderful rednecks are probably pagan because what they were doing here, they were like, it was like a fertility thing. They were like bringing the babies. And and so I have hear it said that they used to represent the sons growing strength and are believed to purify and protect people would jump over and between the flames as a form of purification and to me, some good luck.


00:55:47:11 - 00:56:18:03


Yeah. Yeah. So they were like jumping over like. And that was just to bring them luck and fertility and whatever. When does Mayday take place? Is it like May 1st solstice or so? Mayday. Is it. It's known as Beltane, also known as Mayday. It's the pagan holiday celebrated on May 1st. It marks the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and it is a festival of fertility and the blossoming of spring.


00:56:18:08 - 00:56:42:04


Okay. Okay. So it's kind of like, So, yeah, it's May Day. It's like the first day. May. Hey, it's Mayday. So. But this really pisses off Sergeant. Howdy. Because he's like, they must have been, like, teenagers or something because he was like, You have kids. You have naked kids jumping over bonfires. They look like grown women to me.


00:56:42:04 - 00:57:04:19


But that's. They did. Yeah. So he goes to meet Lord Somerville Summer. I'll say the Lord. I'm going to call him Somerville from now on, which is Christopher Lee. And I forgot that he was in this. I mean, I had seen like the pictures of him, but I never like put it together. And then when he starts talking, I'm like, Wait a second, I was precisely good.


00:57:04:19 - 00:57:34:20


He's my favorite part of this movie. That's Count Dooku. Yeah. it's it's. Come on. That's our Moms act. okay. Sermon. Yeah. Sorry. I'm more of a Star Wars guy than a lot of guys. It's jakku. Yeah. Lord of the vampires, of the Empire. Of the Vampires. He's official. He's the Dracula of the British Hammer films.


00:57:34:21 - 00:58:02:18


Yeah. Yeah. So we meet Lord Summer I'll or it's played by Christopher Lee. And it was like when he's starts talking and, like, explaining all about Mayday and their, you know, their rituals and all this stuff. And I was kind of like, okay, I get it. You know, people in ways like it. And then Sergeant Howard, he is all like, Fucking, but what about God and what about Jesus and what about this?


00:58:02:18 - 00:58:24:03


And it's like, well, what about what about their thing? You know what I mean? But why are you right? Yeah, he's like, the embodiment of, like, the traditional colonizer, you know, he comes in. Yeah. Can not even Saddam that someone can have a belief outside of Christianity. Right. But that brings it back to it all being the same kind of thing.


00:58:24:03 - 00:58:42:03


Like if you think about praying, praying is the same as manifesting. Praying is the same as positive energy. Praying is the same. You know what I mean? It's all the same thing. You're just calling it a different name. Yeah. The only thing that gets in the way is just ego. Yeah, of course. That. Like, who gives a shit?


00:58:42:05 - 00:59:07:14


Who cares? Who cares, right? Well, that's what I meant when I said earlier. People thinking that what they believe is better than everybody else. And the sad thing is, is there's people in charge. We're telling them to be like, so extreme for no reason, really, that there cannot be another right. Instead of just being like, Hey guys, you might run into people who think differently.


00:59:07:16 - 00:59:34:05


It's fine, right? You believe what you want, right? But it reminds me of that we were talking about you were mentioning George Carlin. Another great standup that's relevant to this is Patton Oswalt did this great sketch about sky cake. Have you guys ever heard. No, no. But I want to basically compares religion to cake. And it's like this just goes into these bits of people like screaming like, but my my spit guy cake is it's better than yours.


00:59:34:06 - 01:00:05:17


Cake sounds. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's it's so funny. Yeah, I. So after he meets Lord Somerville, God damn it Summer I'll and Solomon. Solomon really struggling with that same Lord after he meets Solomon Duku he goes and this is where he, he digs up Rowan's casket because he's like, Hey, I've been asking you, I'm going to dig up her grave like, What the fuck?


01:00:05:17 - 01:00:29:02


And Lord Summer, I was like, I thought I already gave you the go ahead. Like, go fuck. Like, which he wanted him to do, right? Yeah And so then we open it up and we see that there is a hair, a fucking rabbit. Yes. Not a piece of hair, right in the casket. And it's like. And then you were kind of thinking like, okay, what the fuck is going on?


01:00:29:04 - 01:00:48:05


Yeah, I mean, I don't know, for me, anyways, it was like there was all this stuff about going back to nature, and this is like, did she fucking turn into a rabbit? Like, did they? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Like transfer her soul and whatever. I don't know. I did like something beyond my fucking brain capacity is going on here, but.


01:00:48:05 - 01:01:17:04


So this is that. So then he gets like pissed and he goes into the foreskin dealer's shop and he goes into the photo because that guy was a photographer too, right? And he develops the photo like he automatically knows how to develop a picture from a negative. It's like fucking funny. And he sees that the missing photo of the this year's crop festival, whatever is ruined and empty fucking basket of apples.


01:01:17:07 - 01:01:38:00


So he's like, the crop failed, ruined, failed. This is they're going to like, fucking do something. Right? Right. So then he knows that they're going to sacrifice her like he knows he's alive and he knows they're going to sacrifice. So he like, connected all the fucking dots. Yeah. So he's like, I'm going back to the mainland and I'm coming back with a fucking SWAT team.


01:01:38:00 - 01:02:06:07


Basically. On his way in case you were talking about the animal masks earlier on his way out to the plane, that doesn't end up working. These people pop up from the behind the bushes with the animal mass son. And I was like, I thought two things. I thought, shit, something's going down. And two, I thought The Shining immediately thought of The Shining with those two ghosts in like one dude getting a blowjob in the fucking.


01:02:06:16 - 01:02:28:20


yeah. And they wear those fucking mass and are looking down the hallway like, come on, it's. Yeah. But then the more townspeople show up and we start seeing everybody wearing these masks and realizing it's, I mean, we know it's mayday, but these are all part of their festivities. And. Sergeant. Howdy, Sergeant Howie. I should call him the right name.


01:02:28:22 - 01:02:51:10


Sergeant Howie Stark searching all the fucking places on the island for rowing. And he even walks in on a lady taking a bath in a very small bucket. No more temptation. I thought it was too big, but I thought the bucket was too big. I like to fill a cereal bowl with water and do my thing, But she got it.


01:02:51:12 - 01:03:08:05


And there was that guy in the fucking, like, costume with, like, the dragon thing on the end that kept, like, snapping. Adam And it was very cartoon. Like he would do it like a run down the hallway, maybe like he'd be somewhere else, and he'd like, it's like going in one door out the other door. Yeah, I can come in to do.


01:03:08:07 - 01:03:32:00


Yeah. Scooby Doo. he kind of gives up his search. He's exhausted. He goes back to the green man, and he's like, I don't know why he does this. He knows the fucking townspeople are fucking crazy. And he goes to Willow and the landlord, and he's like, I'm going to take a nap. Please don't disturb me. Yeah, Why would you sleep right now?


01:03:32:02 - 01:03:55:02


You know what? Obviously, from the hours of ten and 1032 with me, So Willow and her dad's landlord, he has a name, but I forget it. They go and they're, like, sneaking into his room, and he's like, they're like, like he's asleep. Like, this is the time to do it. Whatever. And he's really not asleep. Here's everything that's going on.


01:03:55:04 - 01:04:18:14


But she lights a candle and puts it next to his bed and he wakes up and he looks at it's a hand. yeah. With all the fingertips have like exposing all that. A handle. Yeah, it's a handle. A candle. It's a wax handle. Yeah. but that was pretty crazy. I did not expect that at all. Yeah, No.


01:04:18:16 - 01:04:34:06


And I wonder if it was from that guy. Like he opened the casket earlier, just like a scene before he dies of a hand. And there was, like, a do with no hand. Yeah. So it must have been that I did not even put that. I must've seen it. Yeah. There you go. And so here's where it should have gone down.


01:04:34:06 - 01:05:06:16


The Mayday parade is starting. The festivals have begun. He steals the costume from the jester. Costume? He's supposed to be like the. The terrible fool. Yeah, the fool. Which he kind of is. A fool is. Yeah, but I loved the visuals of that parade. he's like Christopher Lee with, like, the long wig. Long wig and the face painted, and they're dancing and getting ready for his Samaan role.


01:05:07:18 - 01:05:33:20


yeah. He's like, this week. Maybe we light it up a little bit. Yeah, I think. But that's so it was just very like the visuals and the music and you're like, shit, Yeah. I think we go, You know, I'm really harping on this like I wanted things to be more creepy. The one part that did creep me out was just the camera was like, camera was steady, and then they were just all walking in like two lines around the camera, you know?


01:05:33:20 - 01:05:49:17


And so that was like the creepiest for me. So I like the little part. Okay? I mean, I like the whole movie. But yeah, that and maybe that's what the movie needed. Like it. You need to let it kind of marinate so that it can get under your skin. Well, like I said, I didn't. I was kind of, like, not very thrilled for the first, like half of it.


01:05:49:17 - 01:06:15:12


And then I started really thinking like, this is just about religion and how silly it looks. Every religion looks so silly compared to every other religion, depending on what religion you're part of. Yeah. Another bit that I thought was pretty cool was the, the swords that were all like, Yeah, you know that Pentagram thing. Yeah. They were like, chop chop chop.


01:06:15:13 - 01:06:35:02


Yeah. my God. Yeah, that was tense. That was so tense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I was saying, you don't know it, but they're not going to cut his head off. Yeah, you know, but he's really nervous about it. But they've got better things in store for him in sermons, like. Yeah, got to do it. Did. Yeah. Everybody got to do it.


01:06:35:04 - 01:07:01:05


So did they know that he was in that outfit? yeah. Yeah. They knew the part. The whole plan to, like, look at this for an idiot. But yeah, it's just they literally had everything planned. He was a, quote unquote, very pure man, police officer. They knew exactly what he was going to do at every turn. He was going to do what he had to do to say there the gesture guy was probably put there as bait for him to see him and be like, Well, I got to get into this parade.


01:07:01:05 - 01:07:25:21


They knew he wasn't just going to show up. Yeah. And they needed to get him to go was to like, weird him out and duck. Was it just a symbol thing to like, freak him out unless it represents something, maybe a joke, maybe it serves dual purposes, like it actually is part of their rituals, but it's also like, let's really just like, put this all of them, you know, center stage.


01:07:25:22 - 01:07:55:07


Yeah. Freaking out. well, hey, that's putting a lot of faith into him. Yeah, he got a lot of faith in him that he's going to do what they want him to do. Yeah, I mean, blind faith. my God. You know, just maybe if somebody wants to do the right thing, then it's. They're pretty predictable. The the music that they should have played on the credits to this movie should have been Faith, but by Limp Bizkit, by George Michael, by Limp Bizkit.


01:07:55:09 - 01:08:24:16


Yeah. What do you mean, George Michael? George Michael Didn't know. There's only one version of that song and it's posted. I'm just kidding. Because the George Michael song is one of my favorite songs ever, you know? no, they don't. They should have put this episode, Skip, but they put like, like in Nikki's. But so the chop chop game, they cut off the head of a person, but it was just like, not their real head, right?


01:08:24:18 - 01:08:52:03


Yeah, something like, let's see costume where they set a goal, did they not? Because they did seem pretty nervous and relieved. Yeah, they did. They were like, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. That's a good cause. I think whenever the music stopped, it was like, That's insane. interesting. Because, like, I wouldn't put it past them to cut somebody's head off one of their own because they are sacrificing somebody.


01:08:52:04 - 01:09:19:20


Yeah. I don't. But we do find out now that Rowan is alive and she has to be sacrificed. She is up on the the thing and up on like the little hill thing. Yep. And this is where Sergeant Howie is like, fuck, This is my chance to save this girl. So he's like, he goes up there and she's like, thanks.


01:09:19:22 - 01:09:44:22


I've been waiting for someone to save me. These people are crazy. Yeah, I'm in this dark cave with me. Yeah. And she's like, I know I out. And then they. They find their way out the cave of this, like, hole in the ground. And guess who's waiting for them? Sermon. Sermon. Lord. Dr. Dark Night, Lord. Dr. Summer. I'll veil Duke Duku Psalm one Not death.


01:09:45:00 - 01:10:17:21


Death. Something. He's. He's a dearth, isn't he? Is a star. What's up, Darth? But they're dark, Gareth. They're all waiting for him is because it was all the whole setup. And Rowan was actually just part of the whole plan. She was a ruin. The boat is demise. That's right. And this is where it all comes together. And you find out that they wanted him the whole fucking time.


01:10:17:23 - 01:10:44:20


Yep. So crazy. I didn't see that coming. I knew that he was going to be the one that was sacrificed, but I didn't know how they were going to get there. Okay, You know him, and I don't know if that's subconsciously because I knew anything about the movie or if it was just a good guess or if it was because I knew that I think it was more like the 26 remake I've seen like the BS part and the over after that is Nicolas Cage.


01:10:45:01 - 01:11:09:00


So I was like thinking that Nicolas Cage died, that movie. So okay, see, I didn't know that he I figured he was going to be like the sacrifice, whatever. But I didn't know that it actually, like, went through and like that he burned out. Yeah, you know what I mean? I thought maybe I still thought there was a chance that he would somehow get out, but I'm like, Wait a second.


01:11:09:04 - 01:11:30:05


He's the only one on this island who doesn't want to be there. There's no. There's no way he's getting out of this. Yeah, but, you know, we're talking about the the the similarities between different religious religions and all this stuff in Christianity. And when they have him dressed in the white and they're walking him to the Wicker Man.


01:11:30:07 - 01:11:49:12


Yeah, it is just like that whole story of Jesus carrying the cross to his. Yeah. You know, carrying the cross to where he's going to back in. Yeah, well, that's like what Casey was saying about how at the end of the day, like, we're all they're doing the same thing. Yeah. Like with. Yeah, slightly different shades. Yeah.


01:11:49:14 - 01:12:09:21


Which makes it all the more frustrating when they're so, like, adamant that, like, theirs is the real one. It's like, Yeah, yeah, Well, and then he'll be. And they'll get their apples, so everything's cool. Or he won't be reincarnated. He'll go on to live with Jesus and they'll get their apples. So everybody wins when it's all good. Yeah.


01:12:09:23 - 01:12:34:07


Jesus is like, Sorry about that. Yes, dear. Everyone. Okay, it is time for the How I met Monster Conspiracy Theory of the Week. Yeah, hit it. I'm telling you that NASA's going after the president of the United States with an earthquake and that kind of thing. A Secret Service agent from Self on top of the whole Vietnam War was fought over.


01:12:34:10 - 01:13:14:08


And our huge lost Aristotle of issue this year, conspiracy theory did okay. They burn Sergeant Howie. He wants resurrection. They want their fucking apples. Sergeant Howie goes to heaven. And God's like, Thank you, Howie is what's his first name or his first name? Howie? Sergeant Bill, Like Sergeant Cub. Sarge, you did great down there. Great job. I am going to reward you with returning to the Earth.


01:13:14:10 - 01:13:40:13


You will be forever known as Johnny Appleseed. I knew you were going to say that. And just will see how I feel about this. If you're going to keep making me think about the island and my death. And so they. So he gets resurrected. They they get the apples. They get the apples. They think their sacrifice work. Johnny Appleseed becomes a legend.


01:13:40:16 - 01:14:02:01


It did It because, again, they're all doing the same thing, right? They're all they're still all praying the same God telling him something else or sacrificing technically, you know, while to their goal. Bill still Jesus, right? So they can get their apples. So that makes sense. So then in the cycle, do they sacrifice Johnny Appleseed? Is that what happened to him the next year or no?


01:14:02:01 - 01:14:32:14


Next year, everything was fine. so that's good. Okay. No, that's good. But if they sacrifice someone while the crops are thriving, they wouldn't do that because that would be wrong. Very surplus. Yeah, that would be. That'd be selfish and not. Not. Okay, so they don't need to sacrifice every year. No, that would be a fun story if you find out like the twist is that they actually the crops were fine but the sadistic leader was like hiding it just so he could kill someone.


01:14:32:16 - 01:14:50:19


And they like he's in the Wicker Man and the flames are coming up and they all like, bust out these big bags of apples and start throwing them out. And he's like, Where I fucker? He's like, There was a semblance, a little hint of me who is okay with this for the mere fact that I can help you?


01:14:50:21 - 01:15:21:04


Yeah. Sacrifices are only used when things aren't going well. Okay. Because you're trying to make please them. Please. God bless. And then otherwise it's murder. It's murder anyway. But you know, it's not case. Do not understand this movie. God, It was for God. It was for the The sun. God Sun's murder. If it's for apples to apples that you love, it happens.


01:15:21:06 - 01:15:41:08


Sergeant Howey is in the Wicker Man. Dude, what about, like, thinking about being in his shoes, right? The whole fucking thing's crazy, and you come up to that hill and you see the fucking wicker man, Dude, that fucking dread on his face. He's like, His reaction is so big. God, did that heist, that whole Wicker man thing. It's fucking badass, though.


01:15:41:12 - 01:16:01:19


Yes. The image of that is so fucking cool. And then it's so fucked up because he's in there for so long. yeah. I mean, there's plenty of time to take a while to burn. Yeah, I thought worse for the animals. Course I thought that same thing there. But it's still really cool how they had all of those separate little things.


01:16:01:19 - 01:16:26:20


Yeah, for all the animals. And I love that they went into the Wicker Man, like, got his reaction as, like, the flames are coming up and he's like, praying and yeah just super cool. man. Yeah. They're literally like, out worshiping each other. Yeah, he's screaming at them and they're doing their little dance and yeah, yeah, really good fucking movie.


01:16:26:22 - 01:16:44:10


It is good movie. It just like it just gives you so much to think about and it's just back in Philly. This is now. This is weird. Now I know why it's. That's like a cult favorite. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I feel like in 1973 with all of this kind of, like, blind faith stuff that we're talking about, I feel like it would have been controversial.


01:16:44:14 - 01:17:14:13


I don't know if it was or not, but I feel like it would have been. It must have. And maybe that's why it kind of like has the reputation that it has. Yeah. Especially 1973, to your point, is like just like the, the nudity and Yeah. And even like it's, you know, like the way he does presenting himself and introduce himself as a cop, I do feel like of that time there was a different sense of authority, like in respect for lack of a better of like, yeah, we have to respect him.


01:17:14:13 - 01:17:45:20


Like the seventies also started counterculture, so it may have been the perfect time for that kind of thing. Totally like he represents that is like, Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the nudity and all that. They were starting like the free love movement and stuff. So maybe it was, I don't know. Well, I did see that there was like issues with its distribution when it was coming out probably because of these topics and Yeah, and just like over the years, like them trying to put out different versions, restore the movie and there's like lost scenes and alternate versions and all that stuff.


01:17:45:22 - 01:18:06:04


But there's that thing at the beginning where they're like, I'm assuming it was on your versions as well, where it says, like, the filmmakers want to thank the people of this island for like talking about their religion and all this stuff and, and helping with the movie and yeah, I was going to ask you guys about that. Was that supposed to be sort of like a Blair Witch?


01:18:06:04 - 01:18:45:16


Like, I don't know, pseudo real, but it were just it's actually not part of the movie. I mean, like, it's not real. Yeah, I didn't take it personally. I was like, okay. Like, yeah, yeah, that's like fucking Rambo three where at the end they thank the the people of Afghanistan for their help. Like making this movie and you know with is well before 2001 and yeah everything and so but that was just like hey we came into your your place we're making this movie has to do with you guys like thank you for your help and I see you guys murdering people for Yeah yeah.


01:18:45:18 - 01:19:04:20


So I thought it was I thought it was legit. Like, thank you for helping us make this film because it was right. It I thought about I read it different. I thought it was like disorientation on, like a different level. Sure. We're going to make you wonder if this is real, man, that when we get into it, you're going to feel just as like, cannibal Holocaust.


01:19:04:21 - 01:19:33:21


Yeah. Yeah. Like, here. Yeah, maybe. Maybe that was it. So that's The Wicker Man. So glad that we watched this movie, too. I will definitely be watching this again at some point, too. Just take more in The Wicker Man. More like the Snicker, man. You're not you and you're hungry. So do you guys want to talk about the just want to talk about the reveals in this movie which yes.


01:19:33:23 - 01:20:06:15


Are kind of Denis you know he's got I have I wrote down my two favorites but okay they count reveals well, let's get into it. there yes. And that's how they can do you. They're under the goddamn. Yeah. I don't have anything, to be honest. Okay? I didn't have anything either, because I didn't know who the fucking monster was, right?


01:20:06:15 - 01:20:40:07


Yeah, I just basically focused on anything that was like. I don't know. Well, I guess you could focus on, like, things that, like, you know, like him opening the casket and there's, like, a rabbit there that's like, shit, I just have mine are. I have. When the locals kind of reveal themselves wearing the masks. Okay. Yeah. Because it just felt like for an hour in it, like they're like almost, I mean, literally in costume, but it's like, yeah, I guess they all get, like, festoon in there festooned.


01:20:40:08 - 01:21:06:07


I love that festooned in their sacrificial garb. I guess a reveal you could say would be when he goes to. But what, The Wicker Man at the end. What about that? It's like the monster reveal. no. Because I would say that's that's one reveal that I was going to say is when he sees the the Wicker man.


01:21:06:07 - 01:21:32:21


Yeah. Yeah. His, his death because it's kind of if we can't figure out who the monster is, that's like the symbolic gesture. Yeah. Yes. Like force. Like more for, like. Yeah, everything that is both sides. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to say one thing you could say is, when he meets Lord Summer I'll and he starts about their celebration in their festivities, in their religion and he's like, What the fuck?


01:21:32:21 - 01:21:57:03


Like this goes against everything that I know about fucking God and Jesus, like to him, that's like, you guys are fucking crazy. Yeah. So it's not really like a scary reveal, you know, like the thing about it's like, what do you guys think about this? And you don't have to agree, but for the sake of, like, our whole conversation being so about, like, covering both sides, like, it all depends on your own personal perspective.


01:21:57:22 - 01:22:20:23


Maybe it's just like, you know, Captain Howdy. Showing up. He's a monster. Reveal the money, meet some real monster reveal and. Yeah. Like anything, anyone who's, like, a prominent figure who's kind of, like, leading the charge. Yeah. For their respective charge is like the monster. Well, that's a good point. Yeah, I don't know. Mine's just the foreskin dealer.


01:22:21:00 - 01:22:53:18


Yeah, just the reveal of the foreskins. okay. Because that's pretty monstrous. It's a very. It's a very difficult movie to pinpoint. Yeah. I always thought. I like. Yeah, does that. That's what I'm doing. But speaking of pinpoint certain monsters, now it's time for a segment that we like to call the real Monster. Running around, running as fast as you can.


01:22:53:20 - 01:23:23:18


I am the gingerbread man. You're a monster. I'm not a monster. You are. You and the rest of that fairy tale trash poisoning my perfect world. Now, tell me, where are the other eight me? Are? So I don't know. What you guys have made is very basic and pretty on the nose is good. I wrote down my real monster was Christianity, but it's probably just religion in general, organized religion.


01:23:23:21 - 01:23:55:06


So jannetty. I was a rich. I'm not even like get. I was like, what? You didn't meet that character universality, this rigidity that's like saying we are like Lucifer, like Christianity is Christianity is the monster. That's his name. Sergeant Jannetty. You find out later he's got like a names, I guess is like this or is that like doing the Yeah.


01:23:55:06 - 01:24:23:15


So case you probably corrected me in the right way. It's probably organized religion is the real monster for me. Yeah What about you guys? I also had organized religion, blind faith, but then also the again, really this movie, the dubbing. In this movie, though, I did not like it because because they did a lot of that. It wasn't good.


01:24:23:16 - 01:24:43:19


Specifically when Willow is doing her dance and her song. Yeah, she would not even be singing. It's like there's like she wouldn't even be singing the same song. So did we have to. I need to talk about that dance again. So she's, like, naked and she's so. And she's too sexy to know it. Like a shot of her from the back.


01:24:43:19 - 01:25:01:22


You see, like her whole band that was a different person as singer. So that was Bonnie waving her arms. Really? Yeah. yeah. Her hair is completely different. really? Yeah, that's. I don't know why she was okay with showing tits, but she apparently is the show ass. And like, her little roast beef dangling between. There's got to be.


01:25:02:05 - 01:25:23:19


yeah. my God. I had a feeling her death. Yeah, yeah, I know. That's. I mean, it was like this was supposed to be, like, mysterious and sexy, but it's so funny. Danny mine. I have three islands that don't serve apples. it's a bummer, guys. Fuck off. You're not growing it. Order in. So, what were you.


01:25:23:19 - 01:25:46:07


What did she say? When? Like, he was, like, eating dinner, and he was like, everything's from a can. And she's like, What do you want for your afters? Is that what said your afters? And he's like, How about some fucking apples? And she's like, We don't have any. He's so many weird things happening. She's like, You mean just peaches and, and he's like, I bet it's from a can.


01:25:46:09 - 01:26:13:09


It's just it's peaches and cream, and I can. Yeah, actually, you'll find out in a little bit while I'm dry humping the door to your room. Okay. So I also said apples, people who shame people's personal beliefs. Okay, so this is outside of the context, organized religion, which I agree with you guys, but it's the way he kind of comes in so hard.


01:26:13:10 - 01:26:39:03


I'm just like like that's where the problems come from. Well, of course, that's the religion has problems with. Yeah, Yeah, exactly. As long as you're not fucking, like, trying to, you know. Are you using it for good? Great. Yeah, if you're not. No, I'm not exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And then my last one, which I actually added about 2 minutes ago, is nonconsensual circumcision outside of religion.


01:26:39:03 - 01:26:59:16


I'm not starting that debate. If that is part of your beliefs, you do what you got to do. Which I mean, you could argue that almost all circumcisions non-consensual. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Unless you just want it. You know, you're like, I want to trim it.


01:26:59:18 - 01:27:32:00


Yeah. So, yeah. Anyway, well, the Wicker Man so careful, though. Wicker man. So, do you guys have anything else to add about The Wicker Man? No, not a no. I really, really, really liked it. Yeah. Yeah, me too. It was. It was definitely a good watch. Something I will like I mentioned this before, I will be watching it again just to kind of pick up on different things throughout and, and great way to kick off this new trip around and find out.


01:27:32:00 - 01:27:57:13


Yeah, absolutely. Like, especially like one of, like the quintessential folk horror movies. Yeah. This is influenced so many other things. And yeah, I'm surprised they really hadn't seen it until. So we're getting a lot of flavors of the vote for somebody. Tell me what you saw our next installment of our folk around and find out triple feature Casey it is your pick.


01:27:57:18 - 01:28:27:00


What movie are we going to watch? We are watching men from 2022. It is a British folk horror film written and directed by Alex Garland. he's good. I like Alex Garland. Very good. Yeah. Previously, Ex Machina and Annihilation. Yep. Yep. Both are good. Yes, they are. So, Kiki, have you seen men already? Have you guys? You guys have both seen it.


01:28:27:06 - 01:28:49:05


I love and I can't wait to watch it again. And I can't wait for you to watch it. yeah, Yeah. Very curious to hear sex. I don't care if you're ever because we haven't talked about it, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's. I'm excited to see it. I'm excited. I hear, like, I hear that it's really good. And then I hear it's like, really fucked up, and I'm just.


01:28:49:05 - 01:29:14:03


I can see why this movie would be pretty divisive. Okay. Yeah, I was happy. I was very pleased to have come up on the side of the. You know, I like. Yeah, right. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Well, I am looking forward to it. And listeners, you should be looking forward to that episode too, because I mean, if you just listen to this episode, you know how good this show can be.


01:29:14:05 - 01:29:43:15


Yeah, true. That was super like, fucking awesome with that. I'm standing by it. I like the fact that you should. So that is an episode that you will not want to miss. Until then, you can follow us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, all those things. How I Met Your Monster. Where can our listeners Find you? Two wonderful hosts on social media?


01:29:43:17 - 01:30:10:06


I am on Instagram at Wolfmother. Casey Okay, awesome. Awesome. Danny And I'm on I'm I'm on multiple social media. I'm tired of listing them. Names are just so convoluted and I can't I don't know which one is which and they're changing them, but I'm there and it's just my name. Danny Salem Danny's dad. And why a state EMT that's two N's like the candy.


01:30:10:06 - 01:30:41:10


Not you, but not in your hands. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. And you can find me on social media at Zach when sick, that is Zach. And okay, just like the race that, you win, but you got sick doing it, and it's not spelled that way. But I was You said it's not the same word. It's like some you can find me blowing in the wind, I guess.


01:30:41:12 - 01:31:44:05


Pole at the airport, like at the maypole blowing. You can find me blowing the maypole. So make sure to join us for the rest of this folk around and find out triple feature. And thank you all for listening. Now go meet some monsters. Dear Christ. dear God. Dear Lord, no. Just James.